Energy Collective / Large Data Display & Environmental Design
Custom call center wallboard design for display of large data at multiple ranges. This client was moving to a brand new space complete with two banks of 12 4K displays, side by side. A range of real-time data points were displayed in groupings and contexts which could be dynamically customized to view information at a high level or dive deep into internals, sliced by region, industry, and so on.
Multidisciplinary Design.
Design began from the ground up, and was a multidisciplinary process. The end result needed to accommodate multiple audiences–call center employees and executives (whose boardroom overlooks the call center) and allow information to be engaged with at multiple distances and viewing angles, while maintaining legibility and clarity of content.
In addition, the display is fully interactive, with a bespoke tablet app to control all aspects the data being displayed at any moment.
It All Comes Together.
Bringing the end result to life required a talented team of developers writing custom software to feed data to the visualizations, as well as coordinate the continuous spread of information across panels of 12 physically-separate displays. We can see both the call center employees beginning to settle into their environment, as well as the executive team admiring the work as it is being refined.